Oh Yeah~ ^^
wohoo~ finally!! school reopened!! wakakaka.. the boring hols had finally come to an end! oh yeah! lolx...well...today is 1-9-09!! new life! new day! and happy day..^^...I think I might need to say sayonara to emo!! haha!!^^
aiya..just allowed me to share some "qian" I made...haha...
sorry for damaging your eye sight...
I'm really terrible in using photoshop..paiseh...><
but I'm figuring out the uses of those confusing tools..=S
It's really weird though..><...
hmm...I duno what to say now...kinda speechless...
*mind blanking*...XD...actually..I just feel like updating my blog...
but my brain cant come up with any idea on what to write? =/aiya..just allowed me to share some "qian" I made...haha...
sorry for damaging your eye sight...
I'm really terrible in using photoshop..paiseh...><
but I'm figuring out the uses of those confusing tools..=S
My beloved Uknow...saranghae..><...

stand by you...^^

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