I'm back...^^
I'm open it to public again... actually i didnt update anything when I privated it... hmmm...xD... oh well... just let it be... xD
I suddenly got the mood to blog... ^^... actually I dont have any ideas what to blog about.. but.. here I go.. keep typing non stop...xD... weird me huh~ I know... I'm always that weird...exam just ended!! hehe... I dont have to wear school uniform anymore!! ><... haha.. I'm so happy with it... but if our school uniform looks like those jap or kor high school I think I will miss it.. but hell...no way!! haha... malaysia school uniform looks like apron.. no comment about that... really yucks...==... ok...
my high school life just ended... here comes the new life... my college life...><.. I think I will be all alone again.. aiks... when I stepped into high school.. I dont know anyone there... but... luckily I met some new friends... friendly friends...^^... wansan.. huiyien.. jac and wenyi... hehe... and when I was in f4.. this little girl walk into my life...^^... karyn.. hehe... we are both sampat type... always laugh this and that for no reason...><... talk about anything... ehhe... I'm so happy to meet all of you...^^... I know we are having probs earlier... but let's just forget about it k...^^... =)... but remember to keep in touch.. although we are going to diff colleges... haha... hope that our friendships will never end..^^..
oh..btw... i reset my cbox d... I duno where all the spammers came from..==... keep spamming my cbox... and I dont really like it.. it's sooooo annoying...==... arghh... so I reset it... and... I changed my blogskin!! haha... I just realised I'm using the same blogskin as wenxuan's... haha..^^... but I'm really lazy to edit this and that... wait till I got time first lah...hehe...
oh gosh.. if I'm going to study mass com or advertising.. I'll have to be good in writing... but..see... I'm suck at it.. ><... haihz... damn!!! TT... how now?! =/... all rojak language...
ok lah.. guess.. I'll stop here first.. really duno what to write anymore...xD... I'm not a good blogger anyway.. my blog is dead and not interesting anyway.. guess nobody will come and visit...><... haha.. ok lah.. hehe... really got to go now... today got lotsa works to do... aiks...
anyeong my little bloggie...
oh!! 1215!! hehe... #xiahday...^^.. I spent my whole day in twitter...><... once again
Junsu....생일축하합니다!! ^^... (belated) ><...
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