tiring day...
Wow... what a tiring day. My eye lids are really heavy now. It will drop down anytime. haha. Very tired and it's only 9.40pm now. o.O. damn early right. haha. I know. College is really tiring.. o.O. Imagine you have to wake up at 5.30am every morning and only can go back home at 6... It will be more suffering if you had a sleepless night. now my brain is not functioning d. Low batt. Need to charge it soon. haha.
Oh well... I still have the weird feeling with me for the whole day. Just couldn't get rid of it. What's my prob. ==. I really have no idea about it. arghh! damn it. weird weird weird.. shoo shoo shoo. I'll be back~
Oh yeah! today went to Sunway with my course mates. ^^. We went to Sing K at Red Box. haha. Sorta random huh. We all decided at the very last min. It was fun though. ^^. haha. and REALLY FUNNY too. LMAO! My stomach was really pain all due to the sickness of laughing. haha. I was really happy that time and the "weird" feeling gone a little... but it came back to me after some time. ishh! ==. wtv. Went out with Quinie, Jasmine, Jeanna, Chien Min, Jessica(s), Brian, Jason and Louis. haha. Lots of fun memory there. ^^. nice one. hehe. thanks guys! you guys are awesome!! ^^. haha. =D.
After that we went for class. of course. Dr Antoon is our English Lecturer and.. oh well... I didn't know English is that complicated. I cant get the head or tail of what he was saying. o.O. haha. My oh My... this is just the first class eh.. o.O. haha. After that... we went to face to face yum cha. Wenyi said she called me from the upper floor but I seriously cant hear anything. my bad. haha. xD. Well... the yum cha session was really... =/.. interesting? kept laughing.. non-stop. What also laugh. beh tahan. haha. Making fun of Brian aka Leopard (cuz he was wearing a leopard skin jacket) xD. There are lots of funny stuff too. But I will just keep that in my mind. as memories.. ^^. You guys are great. ^^. Really glad to meet you guys. =).

whee.. off to bed now.. seriously.. I cannot tahan anymore. haha. tired...Tired...TIRED!! haha. and please... get away from me, you annoying "stupid" feeling. ishh! ==.
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