I have the sudden thought of blogging AGAIN... haha. It had been some time since I drop by and update this dead blog. haha. xD.
Yeah! Everything is back on track. ^^. I am really happy with it. haha. So lucky that my problems were all solved. No more stressing or emo-ing. =D. Wohoo~ I love my life now. ^^. Although I'm kind of busy these days (outing outing outing) and my parents are quite mad at me now. haha. This is what will happen when you left a car to a girl like me. I think they have expected this earlier than I do. >.^. haha.
College is interesting and fun! =D. I love it. Met a lot of friends here and I love them so much. ^^. They actually banned me from saying sorry and paiseh. LOL! @@. Anything wrong ah? I annoyed them too much? T^T. YOU'RE MY HEARTBREAKER~ *pling pling plang plang*. LOL!
I just realised that dancing is part of my life now? haha. I feel happy whenever I'm dancing. Although I might not be a good dancer but at least I enjoy the whole process... ^^. hehe. I might be lazy too... some times. haha! IGNORE ME! damn it. what the hell wrong is with me today? @@. I have no idea...
Well, actually I got nothing much to update. =). Just come here for fun. haha. weird me huh~ I know I know. Yevon, you don't have to repeat this over and over again. LOL. OK!
haha. I guess I will just stop here lah. Just want to come here sampat only. hehe. Hope I will update soon? when the mood comes lah. haha.

I look so handsome with moustache. xD