Whoops… My blogging mood is on again. ^^. So here I am. Blogging. xD
Before I start telling anything about my life, I just want to scream that
Why I have a sudden crush on smiley?
Well, easy. Because I want to remind myself that...
I will always hang a smile on my face. Just like SMILEY =).
College life is just awesome!! I feel so comfortable with my life now and ♥ it so much. =). Although there are tons of assignments waiting ahead but I like it! Because assignments can put you in an attentiveness mode and will always keep you occupied. In addition, you will have the successful feeling when you put efforts on your assignment and the results turn out to be okay. ^^. Hehe. Just like our PSA presentation. I was so worried that our presentation wasn't perfect and our idea won’t be chosen. BUT Miracle happened! Haha. My idea was being selected by “teddy bear”. Feel so happy with it. By the way, you will never guess our title correctly. Haha.

You might find it hilarious but this is what I came up with. >.^. haha.
Ok. Let’s move on to another topic.
Hmph… I can feel the change in me.
Not my appearance but it’s my personality that changed. =). I hope it’s a good thing for me.
Yet, I’m still changing. Change for better? I hope. Hehe. I bet that this change will bring a big impact to my life. Hwaiting Smiley =)
Well, I think I will just keep this short and simple. =). If not I will bored you guys away. (Just like Mr.Wajed) Okay. So that’s all for today. Hope I will update soon then. ^^.
Anyeong. =)