Thursday, April 28, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
missing you~
whee~ back to update again.. sorry again bloggie.. haha...
guess what? I keep replaying the same song tonight.. ^^... trying to "upload" the lyrics and the melody into my mind.. ^^. I love this song so much. It had been some time I have ever found a song like this.. that I'll never get bored of listening to it for the whole night.. ^^. yeah.. Tamia's Officially missing you~ <3.. like the lyrics...and the melody... hehe...
well... if you asked me why I like this song so much.. easy.. suit my mood for now.. ^^... missing you so much...but too bad you will never ever know how much I miss you.. haha... I miss you~ feel like shouting it out!! yes! I MISS YOU! I'm shouting~ LOL! ignore.. being samapt here again. ^^.
Missing somebody should be quite suffering right. but I'm the other way round.. I like the feeling of missing you~ it just make me feel good. ^^. and I'm in a happy mood today. =). You made my day. hehe. ^^.
cuase this pain I feel it wont go away...and today I'm officially missing you~ <3
Can't nobody do it like you.. said every little thing you do... hey baby say it, stays on my mind.. and I.. I'm officially missing you~
Well I wish that you could call me right now ....So that I could get through to you some how ...But I guess it's safe to say baby I'm officially missing you... ♥
Friday, April 15, 2011
Back to blog again.. xD
There is some confusion in me. ><. Haihz. I don't know what am I thinking. Seriously.. I just feel weird... ><. I really don't know why was everything ended up like this. ==. But I choose to give up now. I dont know why and I dont want to know now. Really dont know what can I do more. So... just let it be lah.. it's not worth to keep myself waiting... so.. yeah...
ok.. it's just some of my thoughts. ><. haha. Don't wanna care anymore.. i dont care~ I dont care~ 2ne1's song. haha. Addicted to this song again. ^^. Cuz it's just suit my feeling at the right moment. So yeah. haha. xD.
Ok... I think... I will just stop here? Just now I stone there for like a few mins and I couldn't think of anything to write. ><. I'm stuck! haha. xD. So... see ya? haha. Will update soon. and... I MISS FICM... You guys are awesome.. ^^...
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Booha... xD
Guess where am I now? haha. I'm in the library now.. wohoo~ updating blog. still got 2 hours to go. damn boring. haihz. T^T. Dont know what to do lor. T^T.
Actually I got nothing much to update.. just... come here for fun? Most of my friends went to sunway watch movie d. Left the 4 of us here in the library. stone. =/. haha. Kinda boring actually. But I have to save money from now lah. ><.
OH YEAH! Someone sang You are not alone today during the presentation. OMG! haha. He is sooooooWEIRD! I'm really sorry to say that lah.. but... ><. you know.. LOL!
ok lah. haha. will update more tonight.. if I'm free. ><. haha. So yeah.. that's all.. ciao.. ^^
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
12-4-2011 will be ended in 2more hours. haha. xD. OMG! Time flies. ><. haha. In a blink of an eye... I have no awareness that my college life has actually started for 1 week. ><. haha. So fast right. But not bad's just that our schedule is really tiring! haihz. I know I have been complaining about this on my very first day. But seriously if you were me you will feel the same way as I do. ><. but.. haihz.. no choice lah. Still have to go for classes anyway. No point complaining. ><. hope I will get used to it soon. haihz. LOL.
To be honest.. I have nothing much to update about today. So please don't expect anything interesting here. haha. Like I have one in my previous posts. ><. haha. *ok IGNORE ME* well.. today.. it's...Just... college. LOL. went to class then had brunch with friends. Camwhore. haha. yeah.. that's all. OH! we went to eat korean food today. ^^. haha. It wasnt that bad. haha. ^^. But all the songs they played are really unfamiliar to me. ><. haha. I only know the 2 songs from Dream High and big bang's tonight. It was quite disappointing because I expect to hear Keep Your head Down there. ><. But I heard that at Snogurt. haha. it's a bit weird. haha. but nvm.. LOL! haha. at least I get to hear that song anyway.
Finally i get to talk to the Korean in our course. ^^. HAHA. I know I'm insane and siao lah. And of cuz Hyperactive. ><. haha. But he's quite friendly though. And he actually told me that my Korean name is abit weird. haha. I know that when I pronounce it at the very first time. it's like... fine. i dont want to say it here. haihz. Nvm.. ><. just ignore me. haha. Our class actually ended one hour earlier but as usual we blocked the way and just stood outside the Lecture theater. haha. I guess that is our fav spot to chat? o.O. I was too lazy to exercise my mouth that time. So basically I just kept quiet. ><. haha. And I actually fell asleep on chien min's car today. Really cannot tahan d. My eye lids were too heavy and it just dropped down unconsciously. ><. haha.
Oh.. we are having a short presentation about ourselves tmrw. ><. And this really freaks me out. As you can see.. I'm really not a creative people. ><. i really cant think of any special ways to introduce myself. ><. Just couldn't think out of the box. =/. haha. So I think I will just walk out and talk briefly about myself? haha. Who cares. it's impossible to have all the 60 students to be in creative form. o.O. haha. So... I will just be the normal one. LOL!
I'm running out of things to write now. ><. Guess I will end this post for now. ><. Before that..allow me to post some pics here. haha. All the Sampat moments in college. I'm really glad to meet you guys. ^^. You guys are awesome. =).
me and my wife... ^^
took this at Snogurt.. ^^.. =).. love you guys.. ^^
Monday, April 11, 2011
whee.. back to update my blog. haha. I'm talking to myself again. ^^. haha. not bad huh~ But you dont have to waste your energy to dial tanjung rambutan's number. I will call them myself. dont worry. xD. haha. ok.. I'm siao now! whee~ today I'm happy~ happy~ happy~ but very tired at the same time. woke up very early today and get prepared for college and so on. ><. got home at 6. wow. kill me man. ><. haha. but today was kinda fun lah. ^^
We had 4 hours break today and our MS lecturer ended the class one hour earlier.. so we got 5 hours break in total. o.O. haha. oh well.. we spent one hour on our "brunch" then.. another 4 hours in the library. Seems like library is our "fav" venue to kill time in college.. o.O. Anyways... library should be a place full of peace and quiet... aiks. But due to our arrival, the library was polluted by our laughter... Cuz we were actually camwhoring using laptop's webcam. damn cool huh~ snapped lots of pics today. ^^. haha.Really had fun. But I guess the other students dislike us cuz we were making too much noises and distracted them from concentrating on their studies. I'm sorry~ haha. xD. After that, I went to have lunch with wenyi. haha. xD. Not bad lah. I really like her dslr lorr.. T^T. damn cool wei! It's red in colour somemore. envy.. =/. haha. I should have wait for that modal... T^T. nvm. my dslr is still not that bad. But I still need some time to work on it. haha. Damn long didnt take it out and play with it. ><. haha. I feel so sorry for my dslr. hehe. Will bring it out on the next outing. LOL!
Oh well well.. today Mr. Winston showed us a music video - Katy Perry's ET feat Kanye West. ==. haha. Actually I dont really get what is the mv about. ><. Really have no idea with it. can guess a little but I'm not really sure with it. ><. I watched for almost 3 times d. ><. The song still sounds annoying to me like the first time I listened to it. haha. Wtv lah.. We will be discussing this on the tutorial class tmrw... hope all the best to me then. xD. haha.
I guess tomorrow class will be slighter better. xD. Tuesday is the only day without 4 hours break. haha. Tmrw schedule is quite packed. ^^. But I think our lecturer will let us go out earlier.. o.O. haha. nvm.. we'll see how tmrw. =). Ok lah.. I think that's all for now. I'm really tired now. wanna sleep d... ciao..^^
Teddy Bear.. ^^
Saturday, April 9, 2011
My last post was so funny. I have no idea what I'd wrote. LOL! all the typos and bla bla bla. xD. ok.Luckily I'm using my comp to update now. Feel more comfortable actually. hehe. I wont be editing the last post. it's really funny to me. xD. *ignore me* LOL! I'm so into blogging mood now although nobody even bother the existence of my blog. it's ok~ hehe. ^^.
okok~ actually i got ntg much to update. Just stop by and say hi. I'm squeezing my brain juice now.. to think of what to share.. but nothing came to my mind.. actually I just feel like writing something. xD. blogging is fun to me now. haha. I know my eng is sucks but hey.. blogging can actually improve your writing skills. So I'm giving it a try.. xD. haha.
ok~ I'm forcing myself to smile now. actually I dont feel good at all. I feel like spilling the beans... but... I dont know who to share. haihz.. feel so weird about myself... hehe. but I'll get through this soon. ^^. I know I can do it. Hwaiting! haha. xD. Sometimes I really cant understand what the others think. haihz. But this is also smtg I couldn't control... so.. just let it be lah. I will just let my heart sing the song. ^^.
booha~ I'm actually short of things to write besides my own stupid feeling. Seriously.. I'm starting to miss my coursemates d. haha. All of them are really nice and friendly. ^^. whee~ but I really dislike the 4 hours break. This is too long for a break. ==. we can actually go back home earlier if we have shorter break. Luckily we dont have class on friday. If not I will die. haihz... nvm lah. I hope the timetable will change soon? haha. Anyways.. I wish my college life will be interesting? xD. hope all the best to me then. hehe. ^^. =)
ok lah.. my brain juice only left with 0.1ml. haha. xD. guess I'll just stop here. ^^. oh yeah! forgot to mention about the big white teddy bear! haha. Today I watched 2 days 1 night. xD. OMG! The hosts were given a task to deliver the parcel they'd chosen to the final destination. They have to take good care of their parcel to avoid the other members from stealing it. if not they will be disqualified. The show was really funnY! The snatching part was really funny! haha.. and guess what was in the parcel? It was a big white teddy bear!! SOOOO CUTE!! haha.. I always want to have one. but it's not cheap. aiks.. and I regretted for not buying any teddy bear at the teddy bear museum in jeju island! arghh! kill me. I will go and get one next time. T^T. I miss the bears there. All very cute lorr.. haihz..
ok lah.. really got to stop here. I'm starting to feel dizzy now. haha. xD. anyeong world. ^^. see ya tmrw then. hehe.
I'll be back... and I am back. ok. the weird feeling is gone. whee. I am happy. haha. I am back. ^^. cheers. lol. I am trying not to think anymore d. just let it be la. don't wanna care anymore. XD. think too much also no use I can't change anything or make the decision. it's fine to me anyway. hehe. I am happy with myself. ^^.
I got my car yesterday. damn cool right. I know I know. haha. but I still don't dare go drive alone. or you can say I have no confidence in driving. so yeah. but I love my car. so cool. haha. silver colour myvi. whee... should go and celebrate one. haha.
the screen is too small. I duno what to write anymore. ok last. just let it be. nobody cares about my blog. but I like it this way. haha. can writell anything I like. hehe. will update more often. blogging is kindate cool actually. haha
anyeong world. ^^.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
tiring day...
Wow... what a tiring day. My eye lids are really heavy now. It will drop down anytime. haha. Very tired and it's only 9.40pm now. o.O. damn early right. haha. I know. College is really tiring.. o.O. Imagine you have to wake up at 5.30am every morning and only can go back home at 6... It will be more suffering if you had a sleepless night. now my brain is not functioning d. Low batt. Need to charge it soon. haha.
Oh well... I still have the weird feeling with me for the whole day. Just couldn't get rid of it. What's my prob. ==. I really have no idea about it. arghh! damn it. weird weird weird.. shoo shoo shoo. I'll be back~
Oh yeah! today went to Sunway with my course mates. ^^. We went to Sing K at Red Box. haha. Sorta random huh. We all decided at the very last min. It was fun though. ^^. haha. and REALLY FUNNY too. LMAO! My stomach was really pain all due to the sickness of laughing. haha. I was really happy that time and the "weird" feeling gone a little... but it came back to me after some time. ishh! ==. wtv. Went out with Quinie, Jasmine, Jeanna, Chien Min, Jessica(s), Brian, Jason and Louis. haha. Lots of fun memory there. ^^. nice one. hehe. thanks guys! you guys are awesome!! ^^. haha. =D.
After that we went for class. of course. Dr Antoon is our English Lecturer and.. oh well... I didn't know English is that complicated. I cant get the head or tail of what he was saying. o.O. haha. My oh My... this is just the first class eh.. o.O. haha. After that... we went to face to face yum cha. Wenyi said she called me from the upper floor but I seriously cant hear anything. my bad. haha. xD. Well... the yum cha session was really... =/.. interesting? kept laughing.. non-stop. What also laugh. beh tahan. haha. Making fun of Brian aka Leopard (cuz he was wearing a leopard skin jacket) xD. There are lots of funny stuff too. But I will just keep that in my mind. as memories.. ^^. You guys are great. ^^. Really glad to meet you guys. =).

whee.. off to bed now.. seriously.. I cannot tahan anymore. haha. tired...Tired...TIRED!! haha. and please... get away from me, you annoying "stupid" feeling. ishh! ==.
It's 5.20am now...wohoo~ damn early right. I bet everybody is still sleeping now. o.O But I'm already here. Sitting infront of the comp and start blogging. haha! Just couldn't sleep well last night. I've no idea what was my mind thinking and gave me sleepless night. haihz. =/. I think I'm really a weird person. Everytime when I decided to start blogging again I will update almost everyday but when I stop blogging.. haha. I can actually leave my blog there for a few months. weird me huh~ ok lah. maybe it's no weird just that I'm not consistent enough to keep my blog alive. xD. but who cares? only me. duh~ I'm the author of this blog.. how can I not care about it? well. just ignore me again. arghh!
I really do feel like screaming now. Seriously I feel soooo weird about myself now. This feeling is so indescribable and I never had this kind of feeling before. It's really refreshing to me but annoying at the same time. ==. Can't I just get rid of it and just be myself. ishh! feel like jumping down from KLCC. ==. I guess this is the normal part of me now according to my darling. haha. I'm having the same emotion for almost 10 hours and this really drive me crazy. ==. It's so complicated that I even confused myself. I have no direction now and feel so useless. It's like I'm standing at the cross road mindlessly... whatever. Just weird. arghh! what am I talking about. It's so weird. Anyways, this isn't supposed to be an emo post. I've never post an emo post for quite some time d. So.. my conclusion is... dont think about it for now. Just let it be and this is something that I couldn't control. What for I keep filling up my mind with these useless stuff. Focus... Focus... Focus... ok~ dang! I'm back. haha. ^^
Well... as I was having the "annoying" feeling last night. Thanks to Jessica. haha~ I was cheer up by Homin. haha. Because of confession I started to watch back all the live performances and... AH! why is yunho soooo cute!! haha. I miss them sooo much.. and I was screaming all the way when I was watching the vids. haha~ crazy me huh~ I know. haha. but it's so uncontrollable and screaming do make me feel better. ^^. thanks to them~ you guys made my day. hehe. and not long ago.. (one hour ago) Jae just tweeted... and he wrote "JYJ." Just JYJ.
mjjeje Kim jae joong
I guess he was emo too. oh yeah. we have the same feeling. I'm glad. haha! perasan. xD. ok~ I think he misses his members? I guess... I really miss all those time when they are five together and known as TVXQ! AKTF! I will always keep the faith no matter what... I really hope they will get along together some day. That day 8tv showed "Legend of DBSK" My eyes were filled up by tears. I really miss those time... and I feel like crying right now. haihz. I know I'm not a good cassie... but still... I do love them... aiks...
haha.. Junsu got bullied by the other members. ><. they are sooo cute
ok.. I guess that's all for now.. have to prepare for college d.. aiks. hope today will be fun. haha..
see ya around.. =)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Anyeong world... haha.. I'm opening it to public... again.. ==. Just ignore me. haha. xD. I suddenly got the mood to blog about something. xD. random enough huh~ I know I know.. xD...
oh well, I seriously don't know why I choose to blog again? xD. My blog is dreadfully dead. ==. wtv~ Just update it for godness sake. xD. ok. I don't know what the hell I just said. again. ignore me. LOL. just being sampat here lah. Need to cheer myself now. ><. I miss those time... last year was the best year I ever had... (except for SPM..==)
oh yeah! My college life just started! Although it's not as cool as I expected earlier but still okay for me lah. xD. Quite fun though and met some new friends too. ^^. Though I was forced to meet new friends cuz I was all alone on my orientation. ^^. Friends I first met was Nikki and she is now in diploma.. =/. Then I met Jessica from Melaka and Chien Min.. haha.. Chien Min went to the hip hop class with me BEFORE! haha. Seriously I cant recognize her at all but she still look familiar to me anyway. haha! What a coincidence! xD. not bad not bad. ^^. and I met my primary school friend and we meet each other in college like after 5 years. o.O. time flies. I wouldn't have recognize him if he didnt add me in fb and meet up in college. o.O. haha. It was abit weird but.. hey. nice to see you again. ^^. haha. Met Eunice and Amanda too. haha. They changed alot! I was kinda shocked when I saw them today. haha. And they are taking the same course as me. ^^. haha. cool huh.. not bad not bad. Nice to see them again. LOL! =D
Anyways... the first week was sorta... boring. We got 4 hours break for almost everyday! wait. Should be EVERYDAY (for the first week)!! my god! kill me wei. I was so damn bored. Have no idea where to go. ==. nvm. haha. But it's still better than stone at home. bye bye! all my lifeless life for 3 months. I will miss you though.. after some time? xD. haha~
And guess what? I went to Sunway on my first day of college and catch a movie "Don't go breaking my heart" haha! The movie was quite ok~ haha. me and Jasmine were laughing like hell. haha. And thanks to her.. I'm addicted to the song "愛很簡單" now. I keep replaying it over and over again. ^^. The song is so nice!! =O. Besides, I recall all my old time with my halo
friends. Seriously.. I miss them so much~ haihz. I miss the time singing and dancing with them. And all those sampat time... haihz.. ><... I really hope to see you guys soon. A gathering perhaps? hehe. hoho~ hope so. LOL! To all my halo friends! You guys are the best and you are talented! haha. dont waste all your talents and go for your dream. ^^. I'm sure you can do it! hehe. Hwaiting!! ^^.
aiks! I'm short of things to share now. xD. will update more often.. I guess. haha~ hope so?! o.O. ignore me again. haha!
I miss those time with you guys.. and I really appreciate it.. ^^.. love ya. <3
and I'm glad to know all of you.. ^^.. you guys are awesome!! haha.
ciao~ ^^