Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
uknow Yunho..^^

I just edited this for fans captures as yun's birthday is just around the to be a responsible "ban zu"..I was ordered to change the header due to oppas' birthday...and next will be chang min..^^...
I'm worry... worrying that I couldnt get into ed board...I duno why I wanna get in so matter how badly I wanna involve myself in this... but I know I wont stand a chance as my layouts were not outstanding enough and they were all sucks... aiks...nvm...lets just hope for the best when the name list is out? ^^... btw...congrats wy!! hehe... successfully get into the graphic department..^^..chukkahae..o(^^)o
actually this is suppose to be a short update...xD...but I dont want my post looks short... here's the plan... I will tell you brieftly what I did yest...><...
almost 12.30 am now...but I'm still awake... just to finish out the header for fans captures...xD... sorry for not replying your msgs... was busy editing photo...><...paiseh paiseh... lolx... anyway yest was a tiring day (the pointer just past 12am..^^)...our school organized "merentas desa"...o.O... I took care of the traffc instead of running bcuz of laziness...><...though I'm not a professional traffic conductor..but I tried my best not to let the car hit the students or me myself..xD...somehow I managed to handle it..^^...wohoo~ luckily everything went smoothly...><... blue house got first anyway and yellow got 3rd...=/... hwaiting yellow house!! xD... ok...we had dance prac after school..^^..finally learned wedding dress from ym...lolx...although it's just part of the chorus..not all..haihz...but it was kinda fun... will try to learn the whole dance...btw, the rhythm of the song just couldn't get out of my mind...^^...the beat...the melody...just makes me feel so comfortable...makes me feel so warm..^^...taeyang is cute anyway!! hehe... okok... after the dance prac..I ran to ou...o.O... to catch up a movie... gam ngam my bro got an extra ticket... so I ran as fast as I could just to reach there in time... and I did it...although I missed the front part...just a little bit...xD... "tooth fairy" was kinda funny... but I cant feel the humour on it... maybe I was way too tired to laugh or I dont have the mood? =S...phew... I walked aimlessly in ou with krs uniform after the movie...awkward huh~ everybody was like staring at me...and gave me the feeling like.."with is this girl wearing..." I even heard some girls were giggling and discussed about it...==...siao one...aiks... straight to tuition after ou section...I was surprised at myself... I managed to concentrate on wat Mr.Pang was teaching... o.O...not bad huh~ surprisingly...hehe..^^...but I can feel the tiredness straight after tuition... ><...
ok...eyes are closing... dont think I can tahan anymore...ciao~ ^^
Thursday, January 28, 2010
jaejoong oppa~ saenggilchukkahamnida..^^
just ignore the last post pls...that post sucks... (all your posts are sucks la yevon...) okok... fine... hmm...well... another 6am update again...><...I sudd feel the "omm" to update...know what's tat means? ><
I will just let this be a short post as I dont have much time on this...later need to rush down and have my breakfast if possible..><..I was short of time lately...time really flies... everything just past in a blur...o.O... and it's already 28th today!! WOW!! In a blink of eyes... today is the 28th day of jan...and teacher had marked a cross on wy's attendance list... haha... overslept la...><... me..terbalik...I woke up at 4.30...just to finsih all my hw...and yet...the hw is till with me... teacher didnt ask to pass up also...damn it..wasted my sleeping time...was so tired and went to bed at 11 last night...beh tahan d...
actually I dont really duno wth I was trying to's just so random...another random update again.. you can ignore if you want to... I'm not asking you to ignore it..but just that...aiks...nvm...lazy explain...><....
ways to reduce stress...><
1. no spm!!
2. no school!!
3. no class!!
4. no tuition!!
5. smile always..^^
ok..I'm just being lame right here..^^... but I like the fifth one!! always...
oh ya...before I end this post...I wanna wish jaejoong oppa!!! yun's wife..><...aka wy's hubby? o.O
sorry for the late wishes... I know I have been a really bad cassie...but 26th is my happiest day in 2010!! everything went fine...and that's the day I got my suju con ticket too!!
you cheered up my life and bring lucks to me ya always... saranghae..^^...
off to breakfast now...ciao...
I will just let this be a short post as I dont have much time on this...later need to rush down and have my breakfast if possible..><..I was short of time lately...time really flies... everything just past in a blur...o.O... and it's already 28th today!! WOW!! In a blink of eyes... today is the 28th day of jan...and teacher had marked a cross on wy's attendance list... haha... overslept la...><... me..terbalik...I woke up at 4.30...just to finsih all my hw...and yet...the hw is till with me... teacher didnt ask to pass up also...damn it..wasted my sleeping time...was so tired and went to bed at 11 last night...beh tahan d...
actually I dont really duno wth I was trying to's just so random...another random update again.. you can ignore if you want to... I'm not asking you to ignore it..but just that...aiks...nvm...lazy explain...><....
ways to reduce stress...><
1. no spm!!
2. no school!!
3. no class!!
4. no tuition!!
5. smile always..^^
ok..I'm just being lame right here..^^... but I like the fifth one!! always...
oh ya...before I end this post...I wanna wish jaejoong oppa!!! yun's wife..><...aka wy's hubby? o.O
JaeJoong Oppa Happy Belated Birthday!!
you cheered up my life and bring lucks to me ya always... saranghae..^^...
off to breakfast now...ciao...
Monday, January 25, 2010
aloha... o(^^)o... another random update in the early of the morning...wohoo~ damn cool huh~
I've no idea why I'm here now at this time... it's only 5.40am and I've done cleaning up myself...kinda weird...I think I was awakened by the dream... I seldom have dreams...and whenever dream comes...its 100% not a nice one... I cant really remember what was it about... but one thing I'm kinda positive of... that's neither good nor bad... I just couldnt rate the dream as I've banned my mind from flashing back.. the only thing I could remember was the scene...the scene of raining.. kinda lame huh~ (ya! ==) ok...wtv...just ignore this part...
actually I have ntg much to share right now... the other part of me forced me to update...xD... and I am here I go..xD...btw, I went fb just now..and I realised I got only 195 friends??? and that's so..little...o.O...ohya... I seldom add ppl as friends that the reason why my friends only up to 195? haha... lazy la.. I duno who to add also...takkan simply simply go click the phrase "add him/her as friend" lolx... actually my mind was running out of I'm just simply crapping to make my post looks longer.. lolx...
ohya...I thought of something to share d!! wakaka..I'm a genious...xP...okok... well... I went to 《988 巡回签唱会》last friday at ou.. So..I decided to go "the curve" after school and take a bath at kar's house! thanks kar!! xD... actually I planned to watch movie before I meet my parents at the curve..but thing doesnt goes right...o.O... the tickets are selling at 25 bucks each (platinum)... deng! so I just went down and have my lunch at mcd... I was supposed to be hungry by that time...cuz I didnt eat a thing from the time I opened my eyes till 2.30pm... but after I bought the foods and placed it infront of me...I sudd lost my appetite...but the other side of me forced me to eat as I wasted 6 bucks on it... TT...I was way too full and couldnt finish everything... in the process of finishing up the foods.. mum called and said she was about to I quickly packed up the foods hoping that my parents can finish it for me... haha... they really ate all the fries but nobody wants the I just threw it away..><... after that.. my dad decided to go sing k...xD...I was kinda happy!! the last time I went k was the time with my friends..><... while choosing songs...I saw something that cheered me up so badly!! haha...I saw lots and lots of kor songs!! wohoo~ and I didnt expect that they even got f(x) songs..lacha ta and chu~ plus... wedding dress and where you at...heartbreaker is included as god...oh ya..and ss501 love like this!! haha...that really freaks me out...I choosed all the songs I know...but I didnt get to sing everything at last...mum "chap gor"...TT...sadnya... ok...crap alot... nw back to the main point..xD... the pointer almost reaches 8.30... 988 campus gathered up at the side stage... and the head asked us to memorise the lyrics cuz we have to go up to the stage and sing...><..of cuz..without mic...btw... when I was ordered to throw the posters to the audience...I accidentally hit some guy...and he looked kinda blur... I was laughing all the way on the stage...damn kao...haha...><...okok..ignore that we sang the main song.. we have actually done our work ON stage...but we still have to record something for chinese new year..I was simply crapping when answering those ques... @@...I've no idea what I said...but I did stress that I'm a cassiopeia...><...funny huh~ haha...phew... it was almost 10.30 when everything ended... I was kinda sleepy that time.. and yet...I should be hungry...but no appetite...dont know what's wrong with my stomach that day...maybe I wanted to sleep more than yea...
wow!! it should be a short post..but it ended up to become a long post... crap only nia...I wasted 30 mins on this post...siao man..o.O...okok la...I go down to have breakfast first... >< to school!! see you guys in school then..tata...^^
I've no idea why I'm here now at this time... it's only 5.40am and I've done cleaning up myself...kinda weird...I think I was awakened by the dream... I seldom have dreams...and whenever dream comes...its 100% not a nice one... I cant really remember what was it about... but one thing I'm kinda positive of... that's neither good nor bad... I just couldnt rate the dream as I've banned my mind from flashing back.. the only thing I could remember was the scene...the scene of raining.. kinda lame huh~ (ya! ==) ok...wtv...just ignore this part...
actually I have ntg much to share right now... the other part of me forced me to update...xD... and I am here I go..xD...btw, I went fb just now..and I realised I got only 195 friends??? and that's so..little...o.O...ohya... I seldom add ppl as friends that the reason why my friends only up to 195? haha... lazy la.. I duno who to add also...takkan simply simply go click the phrase "add him/her as friend" lolx... actually my mind was running out of I'm just simply crapping to make my post looks longer.. lolx...
ohya...I thought of something to share d!! wakaka..I'm a genious...xP...okok... well... I went to 《988 巡回签唱会》last friday at ou.. So..I decided to go "the curve" after school and take a bath at kar's house! thanks kar!! xD... actually I planned to watch movie before I meet my parents at the curve..but thing doesnt goes right...o.O... the tickets are selling at 25 bucks each (platinum)... deng! so I just went down and have my lunch at mcd... I was supposed to be hungry by that time...cuz I didnt eat a thing from the time I opened my eyes till 2.30pm... but after I bought the foods and placed it infront of me...I sudd lost my appetite...but the other side of me forced me to eat as I wasted 6 bucks on it... TT...I was way too full and couldnt finish everything... in the process of finishing up the foods.. mum called and said she was about to I quickly packed up the foods hoping that my parents can finish it for me... haha... they really ate all the fries but nobody wants the I just threw it away..><... after that.. my dad decided to go sing k...xD...I was kinda happy!! the last time I went k was the time with my friends..><... while choosing songs...I saw something that cheered me up so badly!! haha...I saw lots and lots of kor songs!! wohoo~ and I didnt expect that they even got f(x) songs..lacha ta and chu~ plus... wedding dress and where you at...heartbreaker is included as god...oh ya..and ss501 love like this!! haha...that really freaks me out...I choosed all the songs I know...but I didnt get to sing everything at last...mum "chap gor"...TT...sadnya... ok...crap alot... nw back to the main point..xD... the pointer almost reaches 8.30... 988 campus gathered up at the side stage... and the head asked us to memorise the lyrics cuz we have to go up to the stage and sing...><..of cuz..without mic...btw... when I was ordered to throw the posters to the audience...I accidentally hit some guy...and he looked kinda blur... I was laughing all the way on the stage...damn kao...haha...><...okok..ignore that we sang the main song.. we have actually done our work ON stage...but we still have to record something for chinese new year..I was simply crapping when answering those ques... @@...I've no idea what I said...but I did stress that I'm a cassiopeia...><...funny huh~ haha...phew... it was almost 10.30 when everything ended... I was kinda sleepy that time.. and yet...I should be hungry...but no appetite...dont know what's wrong with my stomach that day...maybe I wanted to sleep more than yea...
wow!! it should be a short post..but it ended up to become a long post... crap only nia...I wasted 30 mins on this post...siao man..o.O...okok la...I go down to have breakfast first... >< to school!! see you guys in school then..tata...^^
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
New Layout
Teehee~ I'm back to update again... ^^... (who cares..=/)
anyway..I think I'm abit abnormal compared to others... I'm an early bird actually and always update at this time...6.00am!! huh~ ^^... comp in my room mah..what to do... can online anytime.. (syiok sendiri..xD) jk la...^^...ehemm... time to give some advise...*dont learn from me..this is definately not a good thing to learn...^^
did you realise something?
(learned this writing style from hy's previous post...xD... being lame here too...^^...)
see see!! can you see that!!! new layout!! come on! isnt it obvious that I changed my layout?! black --> white...hehe...
wohoO~ kinda cool! the light blue is just so sweet...and warm..^^... I spent most of my sunday on this...TT...and I was unable to finish my hw...aiks.. *cross fingers* be honest..actually I was just being a lazy pig to do the hw..and cant keep my eyes and mind and hands away from comp...SPM is really not a good year...very cant stay away from homework... you ought to do every single work for the preparation of SPM...haiz... how I hope I'm as smart as Einstein...but could this be possible? haha...
this is just so random..actually I just wanna post a new entry with my new layout...isnt the layout looks so sweet? praising myself again.. XD... actually I wanna change the font...but kinda lazy to find another suitable font to match my layout...however..this is just perfectly remain the font la..if not the editor would have kill me for changing her code as I wish..xD...
well...since I woke up so early for breakfast...see you guys in school later..^^'ll gonna be a tough day anyway... haiz...
ps.btw... thanks for keeping my cbox alive...3 of u spam my cbox kao kao..geng...lolx...
Yevon! hwaiting!! ^^
anyway..I think I'm abit abnormal compared to others... I'm an early bird actually and always update at this time...6.00am!! huh~ ^^... comp in my room mah..what to do... can online anytime.. (syiok sendiri..xD) jk la...^^...ehemm... time to give some advise...*dont learn from me..this is definately not a good thing to learn...^^
did you realise something?
(learned this writing style from hy's previous post...xD... being lame here too...^^...)
see see!! can you see that!!! new layout!! come on! isnt it obvious that I changed my layout?! black --> white...hehe...
wohoO~ kinda cool! the light blue is just so sweet...and warm..^^... I spent most of my sunday on this...TT...and I was unable to finish my hw...aiks.. *cross fingers* be honest..actually I was just being a lazy pig to do the hw..and cant keep my eyes and mind and hands away from comp...SPM is really not a good year...very cant stay away from homework... you ought to do every single work for the preparation of SPM...haiz... how I hope I'm as smart as Einstein...but could this be possible? haha...
this is just so random..actually I just wanna post a new entry with my new layout...isnt the layout looks so sweet? praising myself again.. XD... actually I wanna change the font...but kinda lazy to find another suitable font to match my layout...however..this is just perfectly remain the font la..if not the editor would have kill me for changing her code as I wish..xD...
well...since I woke up so early for breakfast...see you guys in school later..^^'ll gonna be a tough day anyway... haiz...
ps.btw... thanks for keeping my cbox alive...3 of u spam my cbox kao kao..geng...lolx...
Yevon! hwaiting!! ^^
Friday, January 8, 2010
Bad Day...
today is the hardest day I've been through in 2010... it's only the 7th day of the year...and I broke my promise to stay happy all the time... haiz.. I tried to keep myself happy in every sec every moment..but thing doesnt goes right... something just popped into my mind and I'd made some theory on that... pls dont say I'm thinking too much or wtv shit... that's the thing I'd been observing for some time...and how I hope it wasnt true...but fact is fact...truth is truth... you can't escape from anything...just be honest to yourself and accept it with open hearted... i tried to ignore everything and always hang a big smiley face...but... I wasnt that strong like how I always think I am... I just realized I'm just like the other girls... weak... my eyes flooded with tears...and it flow down unwillingly... but I still smile... for duno what reason..
dont ask me why..dont ask me anything about it...
dont ask me why..dont ask me anything about it...
Happy Birthday Jac! ^^

Happy Birthday Jac!! o(^^)o
I have been knowing you since standard 3..remember the first time I saw had a bun tied neatly behind your head and walked gracefully into our dancing class...I still can remember the scene very cleary...^^...phew... time a blink of eye... we'd come to the graduation year...form 5...let me count...we knew each other for almost 9 years? o.O.. hmm... flashing back those memories we had together... your smile... your haha sound.. your so called "cute" expression...your weird faces..and err... your dirty thinking? lolx... the time with you is fully filled with laughters and happy moments...^^...
well...although we aren't as close as before... are always my best friend..^^...
I'll never regret to have you a my best friend...
friends forever...
hope our friendship will never end...=D
Monday, January 4, 2010
whoa~ o(^^)o
Whoa!! today is the first day of school...and guess why I'm here? haha..well..I duno why I'm still onlining at this time...haha..(ps. I'm an early bird..xD...)
4th Jan 2010!! wohoo~ I've been waiting for this day to come so badly..xD...cuz hols were way too boring... kinda excited now..^^...I can finally meet my beloved friends...hope they miss me too?'s almost 6 now..I better get prepared.. anyeong..^^
4th Jan 2010!! wohoo~ I've been waiting for this day to come so badly..xD...cuz hols were way too boring... kinda excited now..^^...I can finally meet my beloved friends...hope they miss me too?'s almost 6 now..I better get prepared.. anyeong..^^
Friday, January 1, 2010
Start of something new...=)
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVEYBODY!!'s 1st Jan 2010 d!! haha...
actually I'm kinda speechless here...
besides wishing all of you happy new year...
I have ntg much to share..haha...
but all I can say is...
new year new try..^^...
everything seems new to me now...
so I wanna start a new life..^^...
that's all for today..
2010...the start of something new...^^...