SS501!!! WOW!!!
OMG! I screamed after I came out from that room!!
he's damn leng zai wei!! damn fair...damn skinny...
not to admit that his smile is really attractive...he smiled all the way and he's so charming!!! ><... my god!! his face has captured in my mind now....he's damn cute!! very leng zai..o.O...
okok..wait...let me start from the beginning? haha...
let me tell you everything about the fans meeting? ><...
after school...went to some restaurant for lunch...aiya...think I'll just skip this part la...hahah.. ><... hmm...well...reached zoey's house at around 3.30pm...wy was already there once I stepped into the house...haha...she was actually writing a letter to ss501...and of cuz another letter to shinki..><... actually our plan was to ask hyun joong to pass the letters to shinki...but we feel so guilty to do that...><...
this is the letter I wrote for ss501...well it's...weird though...XD...last min work again..XD

oh...and this is the letter I wrote for shinki... was short of time to design it nicely...TT...sob...and there's alot I want to tell them...but the spaces are limited...hmm...nvm...
these are the 2 letters I wrote...we were really short of time for us to write something special or nice...><!! it took me ages to squeeze out a word in ss501's mind went blank...cant think of anything to write...cuz I duno them as well as I do to shinki...>< I was just crapping in da letter...><... I dont even know how to spell their name... how to write..or the pronouciation...XD... damn paiseh...hmm...although I did some research yest night...but I still cant recognize them...perhaps..I only know hyun joong and hyung jun...><...btw...It isnt that easy to write hangul korean words cacated...TT...I think I ruined the letter by adding the ugly korean words I long as it is meaningful then it shouldn't be a prob..haha...hope they wont laugh at it...cuz it's really ugly...><...I wrote to shinki too...^^ to shinki and ss501 are totally a diff hand cant stop writing when comes to shinki's letter...haha...well...although it's really hard for me to express my feelings or tell them how I feel to them in the letter...but...I was damn happy when writing to them... ><... and...I wrote will feel geli when you read it...><... nvm.. took us around one and a half hour to finish everything...ss501 and shinki's that time it is already 5...wy was fast fast!! we dont have much time!! lolx...for your information...I know there will be like hundreds of ppl...but I didnt expect was so crowded!! OMG!!
me, wy and zoey...><
can you imagine that we were squeezing each other like god...everyone was pushing here and there...damn hot...and yet...sweaty...><...
wow... anyway...we reached there at 5.30pm...we were really late...everyone was queueing up at the parking you imagine that? parking lot wei!! what a "cold" place... and it was so god...can you imagine the atmosphere there? Zzz...
okok...when we got there...the first thing we wanna do their ALBUM!! you know that one album costs 70 bucks...TT...I really bankrupt AA3!! TT...haiz...actually we can buy the album straight away from the stall...but the stupid ppl kept shouting that we need to queue up..wth...he gave us the wrong information...we almost cant get in to see oppas all because of him la...Zzz...luckily they sell the albums at the entrance..if not..I will feel..well..quite dissapointed? =/...
anyway..we were really sad and feel so hopeless when the manager told us that the albums were sold out...zz...I was struggling in my mind...should I give up? or continue queieing up like the others? haha...><
at first...I gave up d...I went out the line with wy...xD...well...very hard to describe my feeling at that time...I felt so...dissapointed? or maybe sad? I dont really know what's the feeling...haha...><...
but I found the light! the hope! haha...when I looked into the entrance from outside (the walls are transparent)...I was like OMG! they are selling the and wy quickly ran back to the line...XD...OMG!! haha...I was so damn happy!! so excited! I was like...OMG! I can finally meet ss501!! wakakaka...><...
zoey bought the album for us...haha...and we were like so gan jiong...haha...damn sakat...><...keep tidying our hair...cuz by that time...we were sweating like mad... =S...
omg! the door! the door! when I stepped in...I was like...OMG! they are so near!! so near that I can see their face that heart was beating...very fast...very fast...I was way too excited!! OMG is the only word I can say...cuz I duno how to express it in another way!! my god!!! we need to queue by one walk up to the stage and get their signature...
I was standing on hyung jun's line...I was like...omg omg omg...damn panic!! damn excited! damn HAPPY!!! haha... I saw hyun joong too!! my god...he's damn leng zai!! he looks better in real life!! I cant believe that I actually saw him with my bear eyes!! oh! there was once he looked to our lane...and I was like siao po..holding the album and keep smiling (over excited)...wy waved to him...haha...he smiled back...^^...damn cute!! leng zai lar...XD...haha...
oh ya...there's something interesting happened when I went up to the stage and get hyung jun's signature...><...well...let you see some pics first before I tell...OMG...XD
OMG!! ss501!! we are not allowed to take pics..Zzzz..
ss501!! so near... but...I still cant manage to take their pics...Zzz..haha.. aiya...before we enter the room...the security said we cant take pics...Zzz..but...he said...we can take pics from far..but not in front of them...because this needs copyright..Zzz...haiz...what a waste...i thought of taking pics with them de mah...TT...nvm...haiz..
okok...let me continue my story...XD...hehe... hmm.. when I got up there...I was like...OMG!! hyung jun is damn freaking cute!! he's damn leng zai wei!! what a nice skin... pimples at all!! ^^... okok... I was attracted by his cuteness... and well...actually I was waiting for him to say hi or anyeong like he did to zoey and wy...but he didnt...I stonned there...but he was smiling at me...>< I just said...anyeonghasaeyo!! wakaka...he said anyeong to me too... then I passed the album for him to sign... we were in "silent mode" that I think of saying WELCOME TO MALAYSIA!! he looked at me...and said...oh...ya...haha...thanks...^^...damn cute la him... and and and...ta ta ta ta... this line make me stunned there...and I was like OMG!! I was so damn high!! he sudd said " I LOVE YOU TOO" to me?! OMG!! I was like...thank you thank you? or... what? I cant remember what was my reaction? haha... actually i should have say "saranghae!!" haha...but my mind went blank that time...then I passed the letter I wrote to him...he was like...oh! thanks..^^...then we shooked hands!! I was damn freaking happy! not gonna wash my right hand tonight...XD.... (btw...we didnt pass the letters we wrote for shinki to hyun joong...because we feel so guilty and it's damn paiseh to ask someone to do you a favor...><...)
after I got out from the room!! I screamed!! me and zoey!! screamed!! OMG!!! he said I love you to me!! my god...hmm...well...think back carefully I'm sure that he said I LOVE.... not really sure about the last few words...but what I heard was I LOVE YOU TOO...or maybe he actually said I love Malaysia? hmm...I dont care...just think that he said I love you to me...wakakak...let me syiok syiok best birthday present!! haha... ><... damn happy la! excited wei...><.

we were actually trying to sneak in again and get hyun joong's signature...but while we were waiting outside there...someone sudd announced that...the activity over d...I really pity those who cant get the signature...haiz...
OMG!!! hyung jun's signature!!! ^^...saranghae oppa...><...
Today we were damn high!! haha...we ran here and there.. we even hope to see them after the activity..but somebody said they went for dinner.. and not heading to the of us was like...aiya...nvm... =/... sudd! someone shouted...they are on the other side!! haha...all of us ran there!! OMG! I mean EVERYONE was running!! haha...damn yeng la...><... but when we reached there... still cant see them la...Zzzz...nvm... then we called this as a day!! haha..went back home after that..^^...
OMG!!! today I wont wash my right hand!! I wont!! haha...I will place it on my face and sleep...><...and the line..."I love YOU!" head will spin whenever I think of this!! damn happy la wei...><...
last but not least!! haha....SS501 아자아자!화이팅! ^^~ aza aza hwaiting..^^...